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Educational Resources

Enhance your viewing experience

Danse Danse provides teachers, students and spectators with educational resources to read and print in order to better understand the art of choreography.
Educational Resources

Whether you are preparing for a group outing or a school activity, you want to enrich the content you have seen in class, or you have a personal interest in dance, you will find useful and stimulating information for you and your students in these dance education resources.

These tools propose ways of discovering, observing and appreciating dance for a more global experience.

Dance will no longer hold any secrets for you!

(In French Only)

Generic guides on dance

Learn to appreciate dance better, go behind the scenes of a dance work and discover the different professions involved in a show, from its first steps to its presentation in a theatre. 

Mieux apprécier la danse - quelques conseils [PDF]

Guide d'observation des œuvres dansées [PDF]

Métiers de la danse [PDF]