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Margaret Grenier


Margaret is the Executive and Artistic Director for the Dancers of Damelahamid. She has directed and produced the Coastal Dance Festival since 2008.

She choreographed Setting the Path (2004), Sharing the Spirit (2007), Spirit and Tradition (2009), as well as the multimedia contemporary dance productions Spirit Transforming (2012), Flicker (2016), and Mînowin (2019).

Margaret has directed and produced the Coastal Dance Festival since 2008. Margaret holds a Master of Arts in Arts Education from Simon Fraser University and a B.Sc. from McGill University. She was a sessional instructor at Simon Fraser University for Foundations in Aboriginal Education, Language, and Culture in 2007. Margaret was a faculty member for the Banff Centre Indigenous Dance Residency 2013.

Season 2024-2025
Dancers of Damelahamid
Raven Mother
Margaret Grenier
Show 2024/2025
Dancers of Damelahamid
Raven Mother
Margaret Grenier

A vibrant tribute to Margaret Harris, an Indigenous elder who devoted her life to keeping her culture alive. A colourful multimedia narrative, a stream of images, dance, song, carved masks and sumptuous regalia.